Tuesday, December 23, 2008


OK soooo We have been in Michigan for over a week now and its Really cold... And super busy.. We have had 3 snow storms and there are 2 to go.. Austin and lexy spent the whole 1st week with there Shiels family and me and kenzie kinda hung out.. Now that i have them back (kinda) they are at grandma O'Brien (my mom) house tonight then Pictures with aunt Tracy and Aj. Ughhh So much to doo but i have now realized HOW much I love Texas.. It is Soooo Cold up here yesterday it was -10 with the wind chill.. That is CRAZY And the roads have been bad. Ughhh I can't wait to goo back i mean i love everyone up here but damn.. We have 3 more xmas partys to do then We are heading back to Texas on Saturday night... YAY... I really miss my own house and my bed haha.. Sorry this was kinda a vent post about how COLD it is and HOW much i LOVE Texas.. haha Well anyways i will be sure to post some pictures of our trip laterz..

1 comment:

MikeandLynette said...

Yes, you guys did pick the worst time to come back & visit. I personally am hoping you will take the snow and cold weather back South with you :)