Thursday, June 3, 2010


So we Have Finally Figured out when we are going to make our long trip to Michigan for the summer unfortantly we need to brake it up due to my new job.. The kids will be up there for 2 weeks along with my awesome hubby and i will be joining them the last week they are up there. They will be up there July 5 thru July 17th... Boy do we have alot to do.. But the one thing i am going to make time for is good ol lake Michigan. I miss the waves the sand the sound of the big boats Coming in and going out. One thing my husband and i both share a passion with. I hope one day when i am old and rich (yeah right) i have a house on lake Michigan that i can come too anytime i am missing it. It would make travel plans easier too. haha... Well hope all is well with everyone i want to take this time to CONGRATULATE MY FRIEND LYNETTE ON HER NEW MEMBER of there family Cant wait to meet the new little one.


MikeandLynette said...
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MikeandLynette said...
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MikeandLynette said...

Save some time for us when you are here for dinner or something... Where are you going to be staying this time?

Our Family said...

Jeremy will be there the Week of the 5th and i will be comeing the next weekend and we are staying with my dad in cedar springs.

Unknown said...

Hello :) my name is Matthew, and I am from Michigan (yay lucky me). I would like to tell you some advise about Michigan, and some good places to see.
O.k ill start with the places-to-go, some good places are: Grand Haven Michigan, good during coast guard, but it`s packed (literaly packed) my family lives there and it`s very fun! But it`s dreadful during winter, it get`s really cold, get`s very packed snow that is heavy, and it`s very hard to drive :( but good for sleddin :) ------ recomended food stand: pronto pups!!! yum yum yum (corn dog stand)
Another good place is travers city, or macinak (however u spell it lol) city, good vacation spots with tourist attractions everywhere! Fun for the family, especially the kids! Harsh winters though, worse than Grand Havens, and goes for a long time... Recomended peninsula of travers city: east Recomended place in macinak: macinak bridge
The cooloest is probably the Upper Peninsula, lot`s of forest, and waterfalls. Very fun, and exciting. Recomended tourist site: pictured rocks.
Hope you like Michigan :D and thanks for reading my post, this will help your family have fun, while spending time with each other.
