Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Grandma..

October was one of the hardest months i have ever had ever. It all started when i decided to write my grandma a letter letting her know how much i miss her and how excited i was that i was doing the Susan G Komen walk for the cure. ( I had no idea she was sick) I sent the letter and waited.. a few weeks later i went out to the mailbox and i had a letter!! I was so excited! This was Thursday October 6th 2011 i sat down and read it. It was so hard to read the words learning that a person that i new my whole life this person who was suppose to be a mother to me would lie to me and my grandma for years. Its made me over come in tears i just wanted to hug my grandma. Then my phone rings that same day and my dad called and he sounded so upset and said "Cathy i think something is wrong with your grandma your mom called and said your grandma isn't going to make it thru the weekend." WHAT??? how could that be? I just got a letter from her and it was 4 pages long.. How in the world could someone write a 4 page letter and then go to not going to make it? I couldn't believe it i was in shock. All this time i thought i would have time and it turns out my time ran out. I was told aweful things that i was disowned by my grandmother because i had children at a young age and my grandpa didn't even consider me a grand child anymore. ( this all turned out to be lies all told by a women who i thought was my mother)
My days turned in to hours i rented a car and left at 10:00pm Texas time drove 17hrs thru the night to be able to give my grandma a very last hug not because of her condition but because that opertunity had been taken from me for so many years. I made it to grandma at about 6:30pm and stayed with her we laughed and put her pretty pumpkin earrings in and talked about the kids i showed her pictures and told her how much I
missed her. We also got to talk about the letter and how sorry i was that i didn't write sooner. (God i wish i would have wrote sooner.) at about 10pm she fell asleep and that was the last time i ever talked to my Grandma. Saturday she was completely unresponsive and Sunday early in the morning she walked with Jesus thru the gates of heaven. Grandma i know i read this at your funral but i wanted to write this here.....

In Dedication to My Grandma-

A women of extreme strength, Courage and love, who was Beautiful, soft and now peaceful and free as a dove, Someone who our admiration was built around, for her womanhood, wife, friend, & grandmother since she was brought into this world.

My Darling Grandma, We will forever hold in our hearts in which we have truly learned the most from, your strength as a wonderful mother to our mothers and fathers and which we hope to gain in raising your great grandsons and great granddaughters.

My Darling Grandma, We will always respect all you went thru in your hardships and distinguished ways, your ability to hold yourself with such dignity and pride in all your days, your beauty shines in us all who were lucky to be part of your family. We will carry you in our eyes, minds, and hearts in which we have a remedy.

My darling grandma, that is to hold you close by all you have taught us to do, And remember the beautiful women we owe our lives to for giving us life to blessing us with her strong inner spirit of courage, her unconditional love and her laughter for being such a person in who will always and have always held deeply in our hearts now and here after.

My darling grandma, you are taking a little part of us with you as you follow your angels who will guide you to your precious place. May you look down on us with pride on what you brought into this world with your guidance in which you are now truly our angel of grace.

My darling grandma, as you enter your new heavenly home, may you rest in peace for which you truly deserve for you will be truly missed and remembered for your love and honor in which we will preserve. We love you always and forever may god be with you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cathy, I would like you to know that I watch you from afar. I watch you as a Mother and I watch your dedication to your causes. When I read this story about your Grandmother, it brought tears to my eyes. I know I have not been visible much in your life but I want you to know that I am very proud of you and the way you live your life. I Love You, Uncle Don